And It Came to Pass: It All Went to Hell Again

Day 10: Book of Mormon, Fourth Nephi & Mormon Let’s begin with a meditation on the image below from the Latter-day Saint website. It describes a scene in 4 Nephi where the people become wicked again and split away from the Church. Notice who is wicked? Notice who they are plotting against? Do you see […]

And It Came to Pass: Jesus Finally Shows Up

Day 9: Book of Mormon, Third Nephi Here it is, the climax of the book, Jesus appears! After several chapters regarding his birth and death and resurrection. Part of his post-resurrection tour brings him to America and he ministers to the Nephites. The question I have is this: Why’d he only do a two continent […]

And It Came To Pass: A Burning Ring of Fire

Day 8: Book of Mormon, Helaman I’m excited to get to Helaman. Not because I got to read Helaman, but because the next book is where Jesus appears to the people of North America after his resurrection. I think a majority of non-Latter-day Saints, if they know anything about the Book of Mormon, think it […]

And It Came to Pass: A Big Bundle of Prophesy

Day 2: Book of Mormon, Second Nephi The tone of the Book of Mormon shifts considerably in Second Nephi. Lehi, Nephi, and their families reach the promised land (America) with the help of Liahona, the divine brass ball. Lehi, sensing he is near death, launches into several chapters of blessing and guidance. He asks his […]