And It Came to Pass: Into the Ether We Go

Day 11: Book of Mormon, Ether & Moroni And it came to pass, I did reach my journeys end…at least with the Book of Mormon. Here I am with plenty of questions, new insights, and some understanding for this unique American religious expression. I can’t rest easy, yet, though. I still need to read Doctrines […]

And It Came to Pass: It All Went to Hell Again

Day 10: Book of Mormon, Fourth Nephi & Mormon Let’s begin with a meditation on the image below from the Latter-day Saint website. It describes a scene in 4 Nephi where the people become wicked again and split away from the Church. Notice who is wicked? Notice who they are plotting against? Do you see […]

And It Came to Pass: LET THERE BE VIKINGS!

Day 7: Book of Mormon, Alma 33-63 Okay, Book of Mormon, we need to talk. Also, I misread you. When you first told me about Hagoth building ships and people sailing north…all I could see was the worth “North.” I was convinced you were telling me that a random tribe of ex-Israelites left North America […]