And It Came to Pass: A Star Named Kolob

Day 15 Let’s just get this out of the way: If you want read the Joseph Smith translation of Matthew, his history, or even the Articles of Faith for the Latter-day Saints, go for it. I read them, but I’m not commenting on them too much. Why? Because the Books of Moses and Abraham could […]

And It Came to Pass: Hot Gossip

Days 12, 13, 14: Doctrines & Covenants 1-138 Vacation, a sick dog, losing a dog, and grief will delay any project or spiritual practice. It’s funny, it’s during those times that we really need our practices. I still read the LDS scriptures amidst a month of difficulty as we lost our dog to a brain […]

The Book of Mormon Challenge

Here’s how it went down. I came into my home office around midnight. I turned on the softer light in the room — it just felt right. I cleared away the meditation cushion and set up near the ottoman. An ottoman makes a great mini-altar to pray at in case you’re wondering. I opened up […]

And It Came to Pass: Into the Ether We Go

Day 11: Book of Mormon, Ether & Moroni And it came to pass, I did reach my journeys end…at least with the Book of Mormon. Here I am with plenty of questions, new insights, and some understanding for this unique American religious expression. I can’t rest easy, yet, though. I still need to read Doctrines […]

And It Came to Pass: It All Went to Hell Again

Day 10: Book of Mormon, Fourth Nephi & Mormon Let’s begin with a meditation on the image below from the Latter-day Saint website. It describes a scene in 4 Nephi where the people become wicked again and split away from the Church. Notice who is wicked? Notice who they are plotting against? Do you see […]

And It Came to Pass: Jesus Finally Shows Up

Day 9: Book of Mormon, Third Nephi Here it is, the climax of the book, Jesus appears! After several chapters regarding his birth and death and resurrection. Part of his post-resurrection tour brings him to America and he ministers to the Nephites. The question I have is this: Why’d he only do a two continent […]

And It Came To Pass: A Burning Ring of Fire

Day 8: Book of Mormon, Helaman I’m excited to get to Helaman. Not because I got to read Helaman, but because the next book is where Jesus appears to the people of North America after his resurrection. I think a majority of non-Latter-day Saints, if they know anything about the Book of Mormon, think it […]

And It Came to Pass: LET THERE BE VIKINGS!

Day 7: Book of Mormon, Alma 33-63 Okay, Book of Mormon, we need to talk. Also, I misread you. When you first told me about Hagoth building ships and people sailing north…all I could see was the worth “North.” I was convinced you were telling me that a random tribe of ex-Israelites left North America […]

And It Came to Pass: Bundles of Arms

Day 6: Book of Mormon, Alma 1-32 There is a whole lotta stuff happening in the Book of Alma. This is the longest book in the Book of Mormon, so I split it into two parts. Today’s reading was the first 32 chapters. Even with that, there’s some recurring themes that keep this book moving […]