And It Came to Pass: Jesus Finally Shows Up

Day 9: Book of Mormon, Third Nephi

Here it is, the climax of the book, Jesus appears! After several chapters regarding his birth and death and resurrection. Part of his post-resurrection tour brings him to America and he ministers to the Nephites. The question I have is this: Why’d he only do a two continent tour?

Anyway, the pattern of his visit amongst the Nephites feels very Jesus-like. He baptizes people, commissions apostles, heals, performs miracles, institutes communion, teaches the children, and has some great things to say. None of his words of teachings seem too radical if you look at them from a Protestant perspective. Even the added things aren’t that divergent from other parables. Jesus is on point, then.

Anyway, the most fascinating part of this story is the end of the book. In chapter 28, Jesus is blessing his new twelve apostles. Nine of them want to go to heaven when they die and be with Jesus. So Jesus is like: “Cool, you’ll live until you’re 72, die, and be with me.” The last three? They didn’t want to die. They wanted to roam the earth teaching the gospel for as long as it took for Jesus to return. Jesus again: “Cool. You’ll never die until I return.” According to Latter-day Saint theology, there are three apostles roaming the earth to this day. Oh, by the way, there’s also the apostle John. These immortals are amongst us, somewhere. I am left with SO MANY questions. This webpage shows the official doctrine.

Let’s be clear, I find it to be a fascinating story. While I don’t think the Jesus Seminar would have much to say about Jesus’ sayings in America, I think Latter-day Saints bring up an interesting question. If Jesus resurrected from the dead, why wasn’t it made known by Jesus to all nations? (My readings of Paul would have an answer, but that’s another post altogether.) I think LDS beliefs fill in a gap in the Gospel narrative that was often relegated to the Great Commission. But then there’s the problem of only appearing in America…

Things I Noticed in the Text

  1. 3 Nephi 1:16-17, Signs of Jesus’ Birth. In the Book of Mormon, it’s not just a star in the east, but a nightless night that would help predict the coming of Jesus. Anyone who disbelieved passed out as if dead.
  2. 3 Nephi 1:26, Convert! These signs led to a wave of baptisms. Before Jesus was ever baptized.
  3. 3 Nephi 8:8-10, Oh, and His Death. Signs as well for Jesus’ death. The city of Zarahemla caught on fire, the city of Moroni sank into the ocean, the city of Moronihah was consumed by the earth. Then three days of darkness (8:21-23) where not even candles could vanquish the night. I’m liking the vibe here.
  4. 3 Nephi 11:8, Here He Is! But wait, Jesus appears! He descends from heaven in America (the LDS website confirms that this takes place in America) and the people fall down and worship him.
  5. 3 Nephi 11:21-26, New Apostles. Jesus commission twelve new apostles for his ministry in America. His ministry unfolds over several chapters with healings and prayers and all that kind of thing.
  6. 3 Nephi 17:15-17, That Was an Amazing Prayer. He also prays a lot. One prayer was so amazing it just couldn’t be written down. The Book of Mormon is a tease.
  7. 3 Nephi 27:7-29, Immortals. Before Jesus leaves, he blesses three of his disciples so they cannot die. Ever. To this day they are alive, on this earth, teaching people the gospel according LDS beliefs.

This post is part of a larger series where I read the entirety of Latter-day Saint scripture in 15 days. Take a look at the original post for more info, as well as links to other reflections on this journey.